About Us

Our Founding Team

Vanessa Alfaro

Vanessa Alfaro's entrepreneurial journey is marked by a series of impressive milestones. As a serial entrepreneur, she has successfully founded five 7-figure companies across three countries, showcasing her adaptability and business acumen. Her leadership at Absot Marketing led the company to become one of the largest marketing agencies in Central and Latin America.

Vanessa's foresight and innovative approach were evident when she positioned her company at the forefront of digital marketing for businesses, setting trends in a rapidly evolving domain. Beyond the digital realm, she co-founded the largest production company in the US, specializing in automobile content, further diversifying her portfolio.

In the real estate sector, Vanessa has made significant strides, managing assets worth $50MM. Her academic credentials, including a Master's in Business with a minor in Marketing, underpin her practical achievements. With such a diverse and rich background, Vanessa Alfaro is well-suited to lead companies to successfully integrate AI into their businesses.

Chris Barry

Chris Barry is a seasoned executive with a proven track record in the business world. He was an executive of one of the fastest-growing companies in 2021, taking it from a startup phase to over $10 million in revenue in less than two years. Beyond his executive prowess, Chris has a passion for education and empowerment. He has trained thousands in the art of high ticket sales, equipping them with the skills to thrive in a competitive market.

His collaborative spirit is evident in his work with numerous online coaches, where he played a pivotal role in building, selling, and scaling their coaching programs.

In addition to his ventures in the digital space, Chris co-founded a real estate investment group, amassing 8-figures worth of real estate assets.

At the heart of all his endeavors is a deep-rooted interest in AI, technology, and automation. This passion, combined with his diverse experience, positions Chris Barry as a leader uniquely equipped to steer companies towards success AI integration.

Our Story

LunaX AI, founded by Vanessa Alfaro and Chris Barry, is committed to bridging the gap between AI implementation and strategic integration in medium-sized corporations.

Its primary mission is to empower corporations, C-level executives, and entrepreneurs to embrace the power of AI today ahead of the curve, ensuring they are not left behind by competitors. Thus, our mission extends beyond mere AI implementation; we are dedicated to fostering a culture of AI competency throughout all levels of our client organizations.

We endeavor to empower the decision-makers and every employee, equipping them with the knowledge and tools to navigate and leverage AI in their respective roles.

Our Mission

LunaX is committed to forging tailored AI pathways for small to mid-sized corporations, bridging the gap between technology and talent. We champion bespoke AI integration and strategy, cultivating an empowered workforce that's equipped not just with tools, but with the skills to innovate and excel.

Our focus extends beyond immediate cost savings to ensuring measurable ROI, steadfast security, and seamless integration, making the journey into the AI realm smooth and beneficial. As a long-term partner, LunaX pledges to navigate the evolving digital domain alongside our partners, ensuring sustainable growth, efficiency, and innovation at every turn.